Super Moon Sound Healing


Whenever I pronounce the name of the Goddess of Wisdom, “Saraswati”, I feel articulate & calm.

One recent Sunday evening on the ride home, I felt a strong need to listen to a “Saraswati” mantra, specifically the version sung by Krishna Das.

So right there in the living room of my flat with Oliver on my lap, we listened as Saraswati’s Beej Mantra filled up our home through the deep but effortless chanting of Krishna Das.

Oliver & I on a Sunday evening with Ma Saraswati. 🙏

Today a friend shared what a mantra is with me.

“A mantra is a kind of magic formula that, once uttered, can entirely change a situation. It can change us, and it can change others. But this magic formula must be spoken in concentration, with body and mind focused as one. What you say in this state of being becomes a mantra.” – Thich Nhat Hahn

The late Thich Nhat Hahn’s spoken words in his accented English always feel very warm to me.

Oliver sat very still throughout the Saraswati mantra. Maybe he was receiving the wisdom he needed to have an easy & relaxing stay at the veterinary clinic in a few days’ time.

At the vet before he was admitted for a 2 day stay.

May the Super Full Moon tonight share her crystal silence with us, so that in that clarity everything we choose to hear & say becomes a mantra to benefit all sentient beings. 🙏

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